Here is a sweet story from our painter Kathleen Schneider:
"Meeting our customers is such a pleasure! The other day a woman came in the gallery with two friends and she absolutely loved our shop. We got to chatting and she was very complimentary about my paintings. She told me she was also an artist, a singer, and wished she could paint. I expressed that I wished I could sing. She then said that since she enjoyed viewing my work, would I like her to sing to which I replied, "l'd love it, how about "Star Dust"?" We danced while she sang the entire song. It was a sweet moment and there was no question that she was a lovely person inside and out.
Her name is Betty Johnson and she was in town to speak to LeMoyne students. I found out later that for years she was on Jack Paar, Johnny Carson, Ed Sullivan, not to mention Broadway etc. We really love meeting our customers so if you need a bout of happy, just visit a gallery."
"Adam's Door" by Kathleen Schneider |